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The Med Bed Technology 

The Med Bed Technology is a Reatomization process.  You lay our body into it, there is an algorithm and there is a computer database and it actually identifies your DNA in your body and it does a complete internal analysis. 


What it actually does is, it shows the internal operation very clearly in a three- dimensional format of a lifetime, how your organs where your organs are, how they’re functioning. It analyzes your blood and it also depicts any damage or illness or disease within the body that is not normal, then it it will come back through voice communication and . . . 


  • It identifies your DNA in your body and it does a complete internal analysis.

  • it shows the internal operation very clearly in a three- dimensional format of a lifetime, how your organs where your organs are, how they’re functioning.

  • It analyzes your blood and it also depicts any damage or illness or disease within the body that is not normal.

  • It’ll ask you: do you want a full reatomzation of your body or do you just want this one area taken care of?

  • If you want the entire body Reatomized you lay there, you go into a deep sleep, The Riatomizer runs over the body and this involves tachyon particles, tachyon energy and also plasma energy.

  • The Reatomization will revitalizes and returns your old organ back to a healthy, younger state. 

  • In this Med Bed there is no pain and no radiations.

  • You wake up and you are completely healed!

  • You'll have a new body, new skin, new eyesight, completely free from any diseases!  



Body Healing Technology


Ethiopia . . .

and All of Africa !



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Med Bed Sample 1
Med Bed Sample 2


  • We have to have crews and we have to have manufacturing, high level security, manufacturing facilities with clean line of assembly which means it’s totally medical clean rooms to put the parts together and to get them working. 

  • Consulting, Designing and Manufacturing.

  • The long-term goal is to have The Med Bed in every house all over Ethiopia.

  • This Project will cost in the Billions.

  • Job Creation will be in the Millions !



Christ Yahushua is Love !

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