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Immediate "911 Triage" 
for all Homeless & Low Income Earners

New Homes for the Homeless and Low Income Earners will likely take several months to years to complete . . .

To ease the immediate suffering of those that lack the essentials such as food, housing and clothing . . .  

Hired a team of Professionals to purchase or fund motels all Suburbs, All Cities in Ethiopia, and move the Homeless

off the streets, feed and shelter the homeless immediately . . .  

This can be done in every Suburb Cities in Ethiopia ! 

Contact and work with all major motel franchise . . .


Work with All Motels in Suburbs and Major Cities in Ethiopia !


Help and Fund existing and new motel franchises for the Homeless and Low Income Earners . . . 



Individual Unit Costs (US Standard) . . . 


    •    Initial Investment:

    •    $2,093,700-$2,916,800

    •    Initial Franchise Fee:

    •    $25,000-$35,000

    •    Royalty Fee:

    •    4%

    •    Advertising Fee:

    •    N/A

    •    Term of Agreement:

    •    10-15 years

    •    Renewal Fee:

    •    50% of current franchisee fee

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Caring . . . for the Elderlies

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Care for Elderlies, Handicapped, Single Moms' babies & Kids

Pay good wages to people to assist elderly, handicapped, Single Mom’s babies and Kids, or otherwise incapacitated persons with cleaning, cooking, running errands, paying bills, mowing, yard cleanup, etc

Renovate and Build Highways !
Fund Infrastructure in . . . 
Ethiopia and All of Africa !


Which is in the Billions, to complete a section of interstate highway. It goes through 

Communities and Cities and would certainly help bring a lot of Business in Ethiopia and All of Africa . . . along with Millions of Jobs!

Rebuild Cities !

Solve Drought Problems

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VERY BIG Project and VERY Crucial as well . . . 


Ethiopia is experiencing one of the most severe droughts in the last 40 years following 4 consecutive failed rainy seasons since late 2020.

The prolonged drought continues to compromise fragile livelihoods heavily reliant on livestock and deepening food insecurity and malnutrition.. . . 


A young girl drinks water drawn from a river in Ethiopia . . . where some 49 million people lack access to safe water . . . 

Invest or Fund . . .
Young Entrepreneurs !

Christ Yahushua is Love !

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