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Living Humanus’ Mission is simple:  We will devote our Wealth to the Service of Ethiopia’s Greatest Good.  We will help Ethiopia in a Philanthropic Way and Create Jobs for those that are able to work. This will begin "Healing the Souls of Ethiopia” Person by Person, Project by Project, Community by Community, City by City and State by State until what was broken with our Original Motherland is fixed and Sacred Species will be fully restore securing and disbursing a benevolent funding in revolutionary "Top Down Philanthropy" environment. 


We desire to partner with cities and municipalities of Ethiopia introducing new or better infrastructure to help people.   It will be a Great Honor to Participate in Living Humanus Economic Mercy Movement, as together we will create a river of sustained Economic Mercy that flows down to Ethiopia . . . without hesitation and without limitation. 


Thus, Living Humanus functions like a Unique Cloud Concierge Service for service workers Ethiopia, packaged into an efficient and dynamic Humanitarian Project Intake, Compliance and Grant Making Portal . . . designed to Safely, Efficiently and Professionally deliver relief to wherever and whomever need exists - any time of day or night, in any amount needed to to permanently solve lingering problem.


Living Humanus will Invest in Promising Programs, People and in Places where we see the chance to create opportunity and promote greater Fairness, and Equity for all People in Ethipia. 


There’s truly nothing more joyful than a life lived in service.  And nothing will be more rewarding than surrendering in service to a Loving and Merciful Creator. 


Living Humanus look forward to serving Ethiopia in our "Top Down Philanthropy", as we begin "Healing the Soul of Ethiopia,” and Hydrating and Caring All Citizens of Ethiopia from their Day to Day Struggles. 




Christ Yahushua is Love !



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