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Living Humanus

Safe Haven for the Elderlies in Ethiopia


Caring for Senior Citizens Who are Scarred, Broken, Lonely, Struggling

Financially, and Dying with No Family Members Taking Care of Them !!!  


The Mission Statement . . .


It will be a Great Honor to Participate in Senior Citizens Care Movement in Ethiopia, as together Living Humanus Safe Haven will create a river of sustained Economic Mercy and Care that flows down to Senior Citizens… without hesitation and without limitation . . . 


Thus, It will functions like a Unique Cloud Concierge Service for Senior Citizens in Ethiopia, packaged into an efficient and dynamic Humanitarian Senior Citizens Care Project Intake, Compliance and Gifting Making Portal… designed to Safely, Efficiently and Professionally deliver relief to all Senior Citizens in Ethiopia wherever and whomever need exists - any time of day or night, in any amount needed to Care for Senior Citizens . . .  Who are Scarred, Broken, Lonely, Struggling Financially, and Dying with No Family Members Taking Care of Them  . . .  with a Simple Click on their Phone App with Personal 1 on 1 Care Specialist visiting them 3 hours a Day / Once a Week / for a Lifetime of Service . . .


Our Safe Haven will also Fund in Promising Senior Citizens Programs, People and in Places where we see the chance to create opportunity and promote greater Fairness, Equity and Care for all Senior Citizens . . .


There’s truly nothing more joyful than a life lived in serving Our Precious Senior Citizens.  And nothing will be more rewarding than surrendering in service to a Loving and Merciful Creator . . .


Living Humanus Safe Haven look forward to serving All Senior Citizens in our "Top Down Philanthropy", as we begin "Healing the Soul of the World,” and Hydrating and Caring All Senior Citizens from their Day to Day Struggles . . .

“Each Safe Haven in Ethiopia will take care of about 10,000 Senior Citizens” 

Will Hire . . .


-  1500+ Safe Haven Workers per Location​ in Ethiopia


-  IT Managers and Programmers . . . will create Cloud Concierge Service Program that manages

   and supports all Safe Haven Management and it will be made into a Phone App 


-  Safe Haven Office Workers . . . will support all Projects and Care Takers


-  Legal Team . . . will implement and manage All Compliance


-  Audit Team . . . will audit and manage all Project Fundings


-  Design Team . . . will Design and Implement All Projects


-  12 Think Tanks . . . Members from the Care Taker Group


-  1 CFO . . .  will allocate, manage, and audit All Project Fundings


-  1 CEO  . . . will oversee All Projects and manage through 2 Project Managers


-  2 Project Managers . . . will oversee and manage . . . 12 General Managers (6 each)


-  Each 12 Managers . . . will oversee and manage 111 Supervisors (9 each)


-  Each 111 Supervisors . . . will oversee and manage 1000 Care Takers (9 each)


-  Each 1000 Care Takers . . . will care and manage 10,000 Senior Citizens (9 each)

   (Each Care Taker . . .  will assist 2 Senior Citizens / day . . . 10 Senior Citizens / week)

Living Humanus . . . Staff Structure
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Living Humanus will Take Care of  . . . 10,000 Senior Citizens
All will be Assigned, Focus and Handle 11 Areas . . .
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One Location . . . 

One Safe Haven Location will service 10,000 Senior Citizens . . .



Entire Ethiopia . . . 2,200+ Locations . . .

Will Expand to 2,200 + Safe Havens in Ethiopia servicing 22 Million + Senior Citizens . . . 

Christ Yahushua is Love !

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